TSM manage to close out superweek with victories all around. Reginald, although a sub is still definitely a pro player pulling through for TSM in mid lane.
TSM grabbing Gragas for Reginald is huge because he's always been very comfortable on the fat man. Although Gragas did get a few changes, he's still very strong and when given to Regi, he'll smack you in the face. As long as he can keep up with the mid laner and get to the team fight phase, TSM is known to shine during that time. Glad he won the last few games of his career and not fully retired.
Aside from Regi, TSM overall played to carry the team as in Dyrus tried to play a carry role on Shyvana against XDG. Wildturtle and Xpecial both dominated bot lane like crazy this superweek farming up those extremely high KD. Turtle goes like 5/1 against CLG, 10/1 against EG and 4/2 against XDG which is crazy.
Nobody can forget the jungler, THEGODONE or known as TheOddone. Carried the team with his counter jungling, wrecking havoc on the enemy jungler and those Pantheon ganks promised a kill for TSM almost always. The shots and ganks by the Oddone almost always succeed in getting something out of the opposing team, whether a flash or a kill.
Overall, an amazing performance by the team even without Bjergsen back yet. With Bjergsen, the team seems unstoppable. I want to see C9 vs TSM again really soon.
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