This champion is the boss when it comes to applying cc. Now that Annie received some nerfs on her damage (has more AP ratio now though so she better later in the game) I feel Leona is a better support now. Sure, she's melee so she does take a bit of harass from ranged supports but once she's 6, ALL IN ALL DAY. She's strong against those hooks from blitz and thresh and does really well later game because of how tanky she gets.
I usually start with the recommended items which is the Relic Shield and pots with 1 ward. This gives you more HP = more tanky, some nice ward to last a while in lane and you get more gold from the Relic Shield. Depending on how your lane goes, I usually try to get a Sightstone of the first buy and switch the warding totem into a sweeper.
As for skill level ups, you should max W first for the extra boost in armor and mr, then E and Q for cc. Once your 6, you should be able to kill bot lane easy unless you mess up hard or the jungler comes in on you. I love playing Leona with an Ashe who starts the fight with an arrow. Then you Solar Flare and E,Q and BAM! That should be a dead whoever if done right.
As the game goes on, you should sell the Relic Shield for a Talisman if your team needs some engage. Later on, you can be in fights and cc all day because your skills will have very low cooldowns.
This is just a quick overview on Leona but I like how she is able to carry games as a support. Her W actually does burst damage which is really nice when you go into a team fight, tanking and doing some damage. Like said before, CC all day to make plays and win games.
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