The time to vote is now! Pick your fav players and who you want to see to go to All-Stars. Its happening in France, Paris this year which is so cool!
It looks like the team is pretty set right now but you never know till the end.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
This champion is the boss when it comes to applying cc. Now that Annie received some nerfs on her damage (has more AP ratio now though so she better later in the game) I feel Leona is a better support now. Sure, she's melee so she does take a bit of harass from ranged supports but once she's 6, ALL IN ALL DAY. She's strong against those hooks from blitz and thresh and does really well later game because of how tanky she gets.
I usually start with the recommended items which is the Relic Shield and pots with 1 ward. This gives you more HP = more tanky, some nice ward to last a while in lane and you get more gold from the Relic Shield. Depending on how your lane goes, I usually try to get a Sightstone of the first buy and switch the warding totem into a sweeper.
As for skill level ups, you should max W first for the extra boost in armor and mr, then E and Q for cc. Once your 6, you should be able to kill bot lane easy unless you mess up hard or the jungler comes in on you. I love playing Leona with an Ashe who starts the fight with an arrow. Then you Solar Flare and E,Q and BAM! That should be a dead whoever if done right.
As the game goes on, you should sell the Relic Shield for a Talisman if your team needs some engage. Later on, you can be in fights and cc all day because your skills will have very low cooldowns.
This is just a quick overview on Leona but I like how she is able to carry games as a support. Her W actually does burst damage which is really nice when you go into a team fight, tanking and doing some damage. Like said before, CC all day to make plays and win games.
I usually start with the recommended items which is the Relic Shield and pots with 1 ward. This gives you more HP = more tanky, some nice ward to last a while in lane and you get more gold from the Relic Shield. Depending on how your lane goes, I usually try to get a Sightstone of the first buy and switch the warding totem into a sweeper.
As for skill level ups, you should max W first for the extra boost in armor and mr, then E and Q for cc. Once your 6, you should be able to kill bot lane easy unless you mess up hard or the jungler comes in on you. I love playing Leona with an Ashe who starts the fight with an arrow. Then you Solar Flare and E,Q and BAM! That should be a dead whoever if done right.
As the game goes on, you should sell the Relic Shield for a Talisman if your team needs some engage. Later on, you can be in fights and cc all day because your skills will have very low cooldowns.
This is just a quick overview on Leona but I like how she is able to carry games as a support. Her W actually does burst damage which is really nice when you go into a team fight, tanking and doing some damage. Like said before, CC all day to make plays and win games.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Rune Changes
There are quite a few changes coming for the runes. It was suppose to come with the preseason 2014 but didnt make it in time. Now Riot is finally delivering them.
I think that its a good time to bring changes for runes since a ton of champions got nerfed or buffed. Runes will bring a whole new level of play and hopefully some creative innovation to the rune pages. Time to mix and experiment again.
Link Here
There are quite a few changes coming for the runes. It was suppose to come with the preseason 2014 but didnt make it in time. Now Riot is finally delivering them.
I think that its a good time to bring changes for runes since a ton of champions got nerfed or buffed. Runes will bring a whole new level of play and hopefully some creative innovation to the rune pages. Time to mix and experiment again.
Link Here
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Skins and Makeover
I gotta say that the new skins and makeovers that Riot is doing are pretty awesome.
Heimerdinger is looking more refined and his animations are very nice. Compared to his previous skin which I really hated personally LOL I finally want to play him. The changes to his skills recently (well not really recent but yeah) are pretty cool and fun to use now too.
Arctic Op, the new skin for Varus looks amazing. I love FPS and shooting games so Arctic Ops just stick out to me and makes me want the skin. The icy blue animations and color make him look even better. His R with the dual icy shackle chains coming out is such a beast. Instantly sold to this skin when I saw it.
Cant forget rumble the damn yordle. A space theme for the yordle to spit out electric harpoons and plasma stuff sounds amazing. Another skin to the group with Nautilus, Malzahar and whoever has a space skin.
Heimerdinger is looking more refined and his animations are very nice. Compared to his previous skin which I really hated personally LOL I finally want to play him. The changes to his skills recently (well not really recent but yeah) are pretty cool and fun to use now too.
Arctic Op, the new skin for Varus looks amazing. I love FPS and shooting games so Arctic Ops just stick out to me and makes me want the skin. The icy blue animations and color make him look even better. His R with the dual icy shackle chains coming out is such a beast. Instantly sold to this skin when I saw it.
Cant forget rumble the damn yordle. A space theme for the yordle to spit out electric harpoons and plasma stuff sounds amazing. Another skin to the group with Nautilus, Malzahar and whoever has a space skin.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Riot Lag Issues
I hope that this new patch doesnt bring more problems to the servers when its already lagging out like crazy.
Monday, March 17, 2014
IEM KT Bullets
It was a really interesting IEM this year filled with long games up to 50 mins and back doors from teams. Ended off with the KT Bullets taking the championship with $60000.
The grand final was a best of 5 with KT Bullets (KR) against Fantic (EU). It was a 3/0 win for KT Bullets but I have to say it wasnt a easy win for them. Fantic showed great strength and persistence even when losing in the second game, they were winning team fights as the game dragged on. The second game ended with Kassadin doing what XPEKE once did, but with a full charge from 4 players and Renekton delaying Fanatic from backing to stop the back door.
As Fanatic once said before, they let the loss of a previous match affect them and it carries over to their next game impacting their play. As they were losing 0/2, they began to give leads away faster and make misplays in the third game. They got picked off and caught by KT Bullets in some critical moments like right before baron and etc. With that being said, Insec was a god in the jungle. It seems impossible to shut him down or dodge his ganks whether he's on Khaz or the famous Lee Sin.
It was a great grand finale. I wish I could see TSM play or another NA team because there was only Cloud 9 there. Maybe next year.
The grand final was a best of 5 with KT Bullets (KR) against Fantic (EU). It was a 3/0 win for KT Bullets but I have to say it wasnt a easy win for them. Fantic showed great strength and persistence even when losing in the second game, they were winning team fights as the game dragged on. The second game ended with Kassadin doing what XPEKE once did, but with a full charge from 4 players and Renekton delaying Fanatic from backing to stop the back door.
As Fanatic once said before, they let the loss of a previous match affect them and it carries over to their next game impacting their play. As they were losing 0/2, they began to give leads away faster and make misplays in the third game. They got picked off and caught by KT Bullets in some critical moments like right before baron and etc. With that being said, Insec was a god in the jungle. It seems impossible to shut him down or dodge his ganks whether he's on Khaz or the famous Lee Sin.
It was a great grand finale. I wish I could see TSM play or another NA team because there was only Cloud 9 there. Maybe next year.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
How to win games
If your asking "How can I win more games?" then hopefully this post helps you.
1) Understand that League of Legend is a team game that is even played on a competitive level. There can be times when one player gets completely fed and stomps everyone carrying the team, however, he/she can still get shut down when the team fighting. You need to communicate with each other like using pings and asking for help for ganks and etc. There is no I in TEAM.
2) Dont Rage! It can be frustrating if your doing well but your losing the game but raging and getting mad at others only make it worst. Things happen and not everyone is "as good as you". Im sure every player makes mistakes and loses a game or two, just keep a positive attitude. Like what Riot says with those statistics on the loading screen, summoners win a lot more when positive and not blaming each other.
3) Its nice to have a large champion pool and play around, but if your out for the win, try to pick a champion that can fit the team composition well. With that being said, also try for something your confident on. Along with that, getting the lane that your more comfortable in is good in leading you to winning. If you dont get the lane you want, no worries, you can get better at playing another lane because im sure everyone in CHALLENGER can play every lane decently well.
4) Onto the gameplay, be objective focus and make sure to not let greed take over your soul. Focus on communicating with your team in taking objectives like timing dragon and getting it before the opposing team (especially with the new changes to dragon making it worth so much more).
5) If your having trouble with not knowing what to do, dont worry and just drive down mid lane. By doing this, you focus the other team to react while your already trying to take the tower. When you knock down the first tier turret, it puts a ton of pressure on the opposing team and gives you the ability to invade their jungle. By the time you get up to their inhibitor turret, you'll have more control of the map making the bot and top lane turrets a lot easier to take.
6) WARDS!!! I think that sums it up pretty much. Regardless of what role you play, you should always try to ward, not leave everything up to the support.
These are some things that I do to win my games and I hope it can help some of you as well.
1) Understand that League of Legend is a team game that is even played on a competitive level. There can be times when one player gets completely fed and stomps everyone carrying the team, however, he/she can still get shut down when the team fighting. You need to communicate with each other like using pings and asking for help for ganks and etc. There is no I in TEAM.
2) Dont Rage! It can be frustrating if your doing well but your losing the game but raging and getting mad at others only make it worst. Things happen and not everyone is "as good as you". Im sure every player makes mistakes and loses a game or two, just keep a positive attitude. Like what Riot says with those statistics on the loading screen, summoners win a lot more when positive and not blaming each other.
3) Its nice to have a large champion pool and play around, but if your out for the win, try to pick a champion that can fit the team composition well. With that being said, also try for something your confident on. Along with that, getting the lane that your more comfortable in is good in leading you to winning. If you dont get the lane you want, no worries, you can get better at playing another lane because im sure everyone in CHALLENGER can play every lane decently well.
4) Onto the gameplay, be objective focus and make sure to not let greed take over your soul. Focus on communicating with your team in taking objectives like timing dragon and getting it before the opposing team (especially with the new changes to dragon making it worth so much more).
5) If your having trouble with not knowing what to do, dont worry and just drive down mid lane. By doing this, you focus the other team to react while your already trying to take the tower. When you knock down the first tier turret, it puts a ton of pressure on the opposing team and gives you the ability to invade their jungle. By the time you get up to their inhibitor turret, you'll have more control of the map making the bot and top lane turrets a lot easier to take.
6) WARDS!!! I think that sums it up pretty much. Regardless of what role you play, you should always try to ward, not leave everything up to the support.
These are some things that I do to win my games and I hope it can help some of you as well.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Dem OP Plays
I watch these every week when they are release cause they are so fun and awesome. Those who dont know Protatomonster should check him out on youtube. He release a ton of league videos like top plays of the week and etc.
For Play 5, I have to say one thing. Galio is OP! If you lane against him, one he hits level 4, his Q hits a huge spike and deals a ton of damage. When he gets to late game and has max or close to max CDR, he can almost never die because of how tanky he is with his shield and how it heals him by an absurd amount. One of my favorite champion to play.
Hopping all the way to the number one play, it deserves to be the top play of the week for that perfect combo. A 5 MAN HIT FROM LEE SIN KICK into a burst you in 2 hit Khaz was just so beautiful. You dont see that very much or ever LOL but that was just too good. A round of applause to the Lee.
The laugh at the bonus video was making me laugh harder than the teemo itself. LOL. I never knew somebody can laugh like that and it was so contagious! But the teemo shrooms are so troll! PENTAKILL TEEMO!
If you havent seen this weeks video, its just down there for you:
Top 5 Plays Week 162
For Play 5, I have to say one thing. Galio is OP! If you lane against him, one he hits level 4, his Q hits a huge spike and deals a ton of damage. When he gets to late game and has max or close to max CDR, he can almost never die because of how tanky he is with his shield and how it heals him by an absurd amount. One of my favorite champion to play.
Hopping all the way to the number one play, it deserves to be the top play of the week for that perfect combo. A 5 MAN HIT FROM LEE SIN KICK into a burst you in 2 hit Khaz was just so beautiful. You dont see that very much or ever LOL but that was just too good. A round of applause to the Lee.
The laugh at the bonus video was making me laugh harder than the teemo itself. LOL. I never knew somebody can laugh like that and it was so contagious! But the teemo shrooms are so troll! PENTAKILL TEEMO!
If you havent seen this weeks video, its just down there for you:
Top 5 Plays Week 162
Monday, March 10, 2014
Teemo (Boys vs Girls)
LOL! I definitely see the bottom teemo when playing against him. The feels you get when you clear those shrooms and find a wild teemo and killing that damn yordle feels as good as clearing those wards.
If I played teemo, I feel like the God of Trolls LOLOLOL (insert troll face here)
If I played teemo, I feel like the God of Trolls LOLOLOL (insert troll face here)
Team builder is finally LIVE for NA til the 12th! Everyone give it a try, its better than before in my opinion by a lot!
SuperWeek TSM
TSM manage to close out superweek with victories all around. Reginald, although a sub is still definitely a pro player pulling through for TSM in mid lane.
TSM grabbing Gragas for Reginald is huge because he's always been very comfortable on the fat man. Although Gragas did get a few changes, he's still very strong and when given to Regi, he'll smack you in the face. As long as he can keep up with the mid laner and get to the team fight phase, TSM is known to shine during that time. Glad he won the last few games of his career and not fully retired.
Aside from Regi, TSM overall played to carry the team as in Dyrus tried to play a carry role on Shyvana against XDG. Wildturtle and Xpecial both dominated bot lane like crazy this superweek farming up those extremely high KD. Turtle goes like 5/1 against CLG, 10/1 against EG and 4/2 against XDG which is crazy.
Nobody can forget the jungler, THEGODONE or known as TheOddone. Carried the team with his counter jungling, wrecking havoc on the enemy jungler and those Pantheon ganks promised a kill for TSM almost always. The shots and ganks by the Oddone almost always succeed in getting something out of the opposing team, whether a flash or a kill.
Overall, an amazing performance by the team even without Bjergsen back yet. With Bjergsen, the team seems unstoppable. I want to see C9 vs TSM again really soon.
TSM grabbing Gragas for Reginald is huge because he's always been very comfortable on the fat man. Although Gragas did get a few changes, he's still very strong and when given to Regi, he'll smack you in the face. As long as he can keep up with the mid laner and get to the team fight phase, TSM is known to shine during that time. Glad he won the last few games of his career and not fully retired.
Aside from Regi, TSM overall played to carry the team as in Dyrus tried to play a carry role on Shyvana against XDG. Wildturtle and Xpecial both dominated bot lane like crazy this superweek farming up those extremely high KD. Turtle goes like 5/1 against CLG, 10/1 against EG and 4/2 against XDG which is crazy.
Nobody can forget the jungler, THEGODONE or known as TheOddone. Carried the team with his counter jungling, wrecking havoc on the enemy jungler and those Pantheon ganks promised a kill for TSM almost always. The shots and ganks by the Oddone almost always succeed in getting something out of the opposing team, whether a flash or a kill.
Overall, an amazing performance by the team even without Bjergsen back yet. With Bjergsen, the team seems unstoppable. I want to see C9 vs TSM again really soon.
Friday, March 7, 2014
The super week has arrived and a ton of awesome matches are going to be played. Very excited to see the old rivalry between TSM and CLG again and this time with Reginald in mid lane on TSM.
Just for those that dont know, Reginald is still going to sub for TSM's mid laner Bjergsen because like last week, he's still dealing with his Visa issues. Very happy to see Reginald playing but I have to wonder how they'll do considering. Reginald did say that he's working really hard (solo Q like 8hrs a day) to gain back those mechanics but I dont know if it'll be enough. Anyhow we will see how it goes this week. I can just imagine a ~50min game from these two teams again :D.
Just for those that dont know, Reginald is still going to sub for TSM's mid laner Bjergsen because like last week, he's still dealing with his Visa issues. Very happy to see Reginald playing but I have to wonder how they'll do considering. Reginald did say that he's working really hard (solo Q like 8hrs a day) to gain back those mechanics but I dont know if it'll be enough. Anyhow we will see how it goes this week. I can just imagine a ~50min game from these two teams again :D.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Mystery Gift!
YAY!! So glad that mystery gift is going to be here TO STAY!! FOREVER!!
Changes to the Gifting
- the level to send gifts is now 15 instead of 20
- to receive the gift you need to be level 5 instead of 10 now
- you can now send 5 gifts and receive 5 gifts instead of 3 now
- it sucks but you cant receive gifts if you're a bad summoner (aka. banned or suspended)
- the person who is getting the gift needs to be on your friend's list for at least 2 weeks or it wont work
There has been some changes to RP gifting but I wont go over that here, you can check out at the link below:
Changes to the Gifting
- the level to send gifts is now 15 instead of 20
- to receive the gift you need to be level 5 instead of 10 now
- you can now send 5 gifts and receive 5 gifts instead of 3 now
- it sucks but you cant receive gifts if you're a bad summoner (aka. banned or suspended)
- the person who is getting the gift needs to be on your friend's list for at least 2 weeks or it wont work
There has been some changes to RP gifting but I wont go over that here, you can check out at the link below:
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Woot Rank
Finally been able to finish all my rank games and got placed in Gold. It was quite surprising to get played in gold considering I played support most of the games (I dont main support). I won 7/10 games which isnt bad.

Ended up going 6/6 games on Annie, 1/3 on Leona and 0/1 on Caitlyn. Annie by far still the best support I think, massive range to auto attack poke and cc. Leona is also very good as a support due to her being so tanky and full of cc chains. Leona works really well with champions who has a bit of burst to them like ezreal, graves and corki too.
I think I might main support now LOL since its feels so easy and its fun being carried :D.

Ended up going 6/6 games on Annie, 1/3 on Leona and 0/1 on Caitlyn. Annie by far still the best support I think, massive range to auto attack poke and cc. Leona is also very good as a support due to her being so tanky and full of cc chains. Leona works really well with champions who has a bit of burst to them like ezreal, graves and corki too.
I think I might main support now LOL since its feels so easy and its fun being carried :D.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Finally had time to catch up on NA LCS this week. Gotta say that this week of LCS was filled with surprises and some new faces that we havent seen before.
XDG vs Cloud 9 was definitely a surprise when a majority of almost 90% placed their bets on C9. XDG with the new support Sheep making the plays. The return of ZUNA back to the bot lane brings back so much of the team (not sure if everyone gets what Im say) from last season. I do miss his outburst of yelling when the fight gets crazy :p. Gotta give a hand of applause to XDG for their win and hopefully they can climb up.
Onto a really unexpected RETURN of REGI!!! for TSM, I was blown away by how close Regi's plays to kill Imqtpie were. Every kill was the last tick of ignite burning away. Do have to say that it's nice to see Regi playing mid lane again and on his assassin champions like Zed. Considering its been so long since his retirement, and he can still pull a win from DIG who are doing really well this LCS, props to him. Although TSM did get destroyed I would have to say sadly by C9, they tried to fight back and makes play. Good Effort, C9 just played lanes better and Lemonation with the Black Shield saves were really well done.
Cant wait for the return of Bjergsen and another match up between C9. Slowly leading to the end of the Spring NA LCS.
XDG vs Cloud 9 was definitely a surprise when a majority of almost 90% placed their bets on C9. XDG with the new support Sheep making the plays. The return of ZUNA back to the bot lane brings back so much of the team (not sure if everyone gets what Im say) from last season. I do miss his outburst of yelling when the fight gets crazy :p. Gotta give a hand of applause to XDG for their win and hopefully they can climb up.
Onto a really unexpected RETURN of REGI!!! for TSM, I was blown away by how close Regi's plays to kill Imqtpie were. Every kill was the last tick of ignite burning away. Do have to say that it's nice to see Regi playing mid lane again and on his assassin champions like Zed. Considering its been so long since his retirement, and he can still pull a win from DIG who are doing really well this LCS, props to him. Although TSM did get destroyed I would have to say sadly by C9, they tried to fight back and makes play. Good Effort, C9 just played lanes better and Lemonation with the Black Shield saves were really well done.
Cant wait for the return of Bjergsen and another match up between C9. Slowly leading to the end of the Spring NA LCS.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Team Builder!
Finally, Riot decides to put in a system to prevent more QQ and rage in game.
+1 for Riot this time for imputing this system.
This should be out for beta test in March depending on the region your located in.
Team Builder
This new system allows you to pick the role that you want to play before you getting put onto a team. This will hopefully prevent any arguing and fight for roles when in team select. It will improve the team plays and team work in game!+1 for Riot this time for imputing this system.
This should be out for beta test in March depending on the region your located in.
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