Saturday, February 22, 2014


The Eye of the Void, Vel'koz

A new champion has been revealed and like most champions of the void, its a monster. It gives me a similar feel as Kogmaw.

Going over his skills:

Passive: Organic Deconstruction -
Every time his abilities hit an enemy, the enemy is "deconstructed". After being hit 3 times, the enemy will suffer bonus true damage which I have a feeling will be very broken. Enemies loses their deconstruction stacks if they are able to avoid Vel'koz's attacks for a while.

Q: Plasma Fission -  As you can see in the picture above, this skill shoots a laser out that slows enemies. Upon second activation or reaching it's max range, the laser splits into 2 shooting out at 90 degrees. 

W: Void Rift - This is another skill shot that rips open a rift to the void. It deals damage at the initial cast and then after a short moment, it will explode and deal damage as well.

E: Tectonic Disruption -  This is a AOE skill that shoots out similar to Syndra's Q. After a while, the enemy caught in it will take damage and get knocked up. Any enemies that are near Vel'koz will get pushed away.

R: Lifeform Disintegration Ray - As the name of the skill suggests, its just a ray (Looks like Lux laser to me). A different thing for this skill compared to others is that it follows the cursor so you have better control over it.

My Thoughts
Its will most likely be seen in competitive play when release because of the great amount of poke that it brings to the table. The true damage from the passive deals tons of damage and if you build enough CDR, you can cast QWQW nonstop to bring nonstop damage since the W does damage after a moment. Vel'koz also has great for disengage with his slows and E to knock enemies up.

Overall, it seems like a very simple champion. I get a feeling it will be banned away like Kassadin 24/7.

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