Sunday, February 2, 2014


Annie is one of the most broken and op champion ever. 

The stun and damages that she does is crazy even when she is played as a support. I've been getting around to playing my rank games and played 4 games with all support Annie.

This is how I ended up doing:

Three of the games with Annie, I ended up becoming like an AP carry. The one game where a thresh stomped me leaving me with 0/4 before going into late game team fights, I still ended up winning all because of TIBBBBBERS. Press R (and land it on somebody) = win the game (if you team follows lol)

Annie's late game scales really well. I didn't have a ton of AP as seen above, just a needlessly large rod and I could burst a large amount of damage. A flash tibbers is also a great way to start a fight or to stop a fight. Tibbers does +70% AP  on top of the 200/375/425 damage that she does already which is ridiculous. 

There are probably a ton of different mastery that you can do for Annie but I always use 21/0/9 where I do damage. For runes, I simply went armor/magic resist marks,seals and glyph while going AP quins for damage. 

I'm more of an aggressive support. In lane phase, depending on who you are up against, you can start a doran shield and poke. She has a longer range (625) than most support and even ADs to auto attack and zone with her stun for your AD. You should always try to reach level 6 before the opposing team and go all in with tibbers. This usually works in winning the lane afterwards.

If you build a tanky Annie, you will almost always win the game because Annie's cool down are about 5 seconds at level 18 and she can rotate her skills for her passive to kick in REALLLY fast. You drop tibbers, then E, Q, W and then E again and you can just stun again. I always get a ageis if nobody else got one to last longer in team fights and peel for my AD.

All I can say is I LOVE TIBBERS 

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