Monday, June 2, 2014

LCS 2014 NA Summer W2D2


This match was a very close game where nobody got first blood til around 24 minute.

Looking at the team comps, we can see that TSM ran more of a team fight oriented comp. Shyvana and Volibear to tank while Thresh is great for protecting the ADC. Lulu's shield and wild growth to keep Kogmaw alive gives TSM a very strong team fighting potential. DIG ran more of a split push comp with Ziggs to clear waves and Jax on Zion Spartan to split push like his always does. Ezreal and Lee Sin with a Nami has great escapes/disengage making it hard for TSM to get a favorable team fight.

TSM again kept getting caught out of position and mis-communicating. The first baron where DIG started it and TSM came in and manage to steal. This was a good point to start a comeback for TSM. Baron wears out without much being done for TSM and then a fight breaks up where 3 members of TSM were caught. No casualties but if TSM kept getting caught like that, the game would be over.

2nd baron happens where TSM starts it but then commits to a fight. The AOE from Ziggs took chunks of health from TSM at the start of the fight. Then a beautiful Nami ult hits four members and a bubble lands on Kogmaw. With Kogmaw locked up and then taken out of the fight, TSM didn’t have any more damage to continue fighting. DIG after takes baron and top/mid inhibitors. Later the bot inhibitors. This led to a push to the Nexus and took the game at 40 minutes. It was a very well-coordinated game by DIG.

I think the scaling from Jax was more important than the scaling of Kog. It was a gamble by DIG to play against a Kog because late game, he gets really strong. However, Jax was able to split push, becoming tanky and have damage, doing more for the team. Kog had the damage late game but thats all he can be. Jax was always putting pressure somewhere on the map and because its a Jax, you cant send one person to deal with him, usually you need more. Jax was very well played by Zion.

GG to DIG and TSM.

If you want to watch the match, here it is: 

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