Sunday, June 1, 2014

LCS 2014 NA Summer W2D1: CLG vs TSM

In this weeks LCS, we kicked off with the old rivalry of CLG vs TSM. TSM was the team voted to win however, CLG played extremely well and when you see Doublelift going unkilled, you know who won. CLG aphromoo played the famous cow alistar and CLG Link played orianna leading to some beautiful plays. Although TSM was even with gold at about the 15 minute mark, one team fight where orianna shockwave combined with alistar demolished 4 members of TSM leading to mid inhibitor going down. This is when the game started to favor CLG.

CLG started pushing the top inner turret where TSM responded by grabbing the mid lane outer. This was not worth it for TSM because CLG group as 5 had more pressure and was able to take the 2 towers along with another inhibitor. Without doing baron, CLG regrouped and took the mid inhibitor again and at the 28 minute mark, CLG pushed through the nexus towers and ended the game.

It was a very solid game from CLG. TSM were often out of position, underestimating CLG's movement speed. TSM needs to regroup and refocus. TSM were often known for their great team fighting potential. In this game, TSM were rarely seen as 5 and died 1 by 1 before a 5v5 team fight could happened.

GG and GL to CLG and TSM.

Here is the match if you would like to watch it: 

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