Last week, week 3 started off with TSM vs LMQ. This was a game to be watched by all players where the most fan favorite TSM played the rising team LMQ. It was the first time (in pretty much forever) where the fans vote didnt head in TSM's favor.
This match, LMQ seemed to have been in full control the whole game. Ackerman (top lane) played Kayle who ended the game going 6/1/7 with Zhonyas and a Deathcap. Frightening to anyone playing against such a strong Kayle. LMQ demonstrated very strong positioning skills and objective control. I believe they took every dragon that was up.
With TSM they made mistakes and continue to look rough in games. They were mis-communicating and often at a team fight, half of them would be committed and others would be running. It looked very uncoordinated. GG and GL to both teams.
This match, LMQ seemed to have been in full control the whole game. Ackerman (top lane) played Kayle who ended the game going 6/1/7 with Zhonyas and a Deathcap. Frightening to anyone playing against such a strong Kayle. LMQ demonstrated very strong positioning skills and objective control. I believe they took every dragon that was up.
With TSM they made mistakes and continue to look rough in games. They were mis-communicating and often at a team fight, half of them would be committed and others would be running. It looked very uncoordinated. GG and GL to both teams.
Week 3: Day 1 TSM VS LMQ
Altec playing Twitch was almost untouchable and a twitch is the last thing you want to have on the field. The peel and protection that EG had for Twitch made this into a horror for C9. Lulu's ult, Thresh support and a Trundle front line who pillars all day made it very hard to reach Twitch.
At the end team fight, C9 manage to kill Twitch at the cost of Sneaky on Lucian and Hai on Khazix going forward who died soon afterward. Afterward, it was simply EG cleaning up who pushed up and ended the game. It was a close nail biting game. GG and GL to both teams.
Week 3: Day 1 C9 VS EG
2nd last game of the day, CLG vs DIG. This was a crazy game where the gold lead for CLG was around 2,000 the whole game. CLG played a poke comp. where DIG had Kassadin and Kayle for a team fighting comp. It was really back and forth all the way up til baron.
With CLG having no vision on baron, DIG starts baron in hopes that CLG would fight them. CLG played this really well and pushed up mid to take the inhibitor which is worth more than baron for them. The composition that CLG played, they needed structures and map control to use their poke comp. effectively. Link played Nidalee very well with the spears hitting priority targets.
With CLG having no vision on baron, DIG starts baron in hopes that CLG would fight them. CLG played this really well and pushed up mid to take the inhibitor which is worth more than baron for them. The composition that CLG played, they needed structures and map control to use their poke comp. effectively. Link played Nidalee very well with the spears hitting priority targets.
The last team fight, CLG had better positioning walking down middle where DIG was near baron. CLG runs down mid and DIG tries to chase them however with CLG's poke comp. they got poked before fighting. DIG was on the wrong side of the map and was outsmarted by CLG. It was an amazing match. GG to both teams.
Week 3: Day 1 CLG VS DIG
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